Sacred Scriptures, Sacred Killing

“If you kill a man, you’re a murderer. Kill many and you’re a conqueror. Kill ’em all…. You’re a GOD.”

– Captive Honour, Megadeth

Dear Christians,

The Bible  is considered the most printed Religious book aside from the Qur’an  in the world, with more than 6 billion or more copies published. It’s has two parts: the Old Testament, which is comprised of a minimum of 39 books of Hebrew Scriptures, and the New Testament, which has 27 books. The first four books of the New Testament are the canonical Gospels which focuses on the story of the life of Jesus Christ. Continue reading

God of Suspicion

Isn’t it suspicious?

“Humans have existed for about 100,000 years, at least. Prior to modern health and medicine, the average lifespan was 20-30 years. Most babies die during the first five years of life, either at birth or from diseases. Natural events like lightning storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other mysterious phenomena terrified these humans. You can imagine what it was like then, knowing nothing of how nature works.” Continue reading